Friday, July 5, 2024

Woman Led to Christ Through Film's Example Jul. 04, 2024 | Iran

 Jul. 04, 2024 | Iran
Woman Led to Christ Through Film's Example

A popular film in Iran has sparked conversations about Christianity among Muslims in the country, and one woman’s life was changed. The movie is not a Christian film, but it portrays a Christian character who acts in a kind-hearted, forgiving way. A woman watched some of the film and decided to pray to Jesus, saying, “Jesus, if you are real, show yourself to me!” The next day, a Christian woman visited her shop and felt compelled to give her a magazine: “Please accept this magazine as a gift from God.” When the woman looked at it, she saw it included an article about the film, and she began to cry. The Christian woman then explained the gospel to her, and the woman placed her trust in Christ.

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God is using Christian publications and transform lives in Iran.
God is using Christian publications and transform lives in Iran.
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