Question: What determines a person’s eternal destination?
See Answer:
Question: What determines a person’s eternal destination?
See Answer:
Question: What could be the reason for finding difficulty in praying?
See Answers:
Question: Is it possible to be Christian and pro-choice at the same time?
See Answer:
Question: What are some good books for a Christian to read?
See Answer:
Jul. 25, 2024 | Laos
Two Families Lose Crops, Livestock
Two families in one Bru tribal village in Laos became Christians in February 2023. One of the families was driven out after enduring the threats and pressure of the community, which included the destruction of crops and livestock. The other family, Xing, Nang and their three children, were then alone, facing the same daily persecution as the family who had been driven out. Early in 2024, Xing was able to attend a seminar for persecuted Christians, where he received prayer and encouragement. The family remains committed to following Christ, but without their crops, they are in great need. Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Laos and learn how to pray.
Jaime and Ana Luz have ministered in one of Colombia’s “red zones,” areas under guerrilla control, for nine years. In early 2024, they received a phone call from a member of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) demanding they pay four million pesos [roughly $1000] in half an hour or their two children, ages 8 and 9, would be killed. The family paid a portion of the demanded amount but have received threatening phone calls and letters slipped under their door. Still, Jaime and Ana Luz remain committed to advancing the gospel in this area. “I am there, and I will be there until God calls me elsewhere,” Jaime said. He asked for prayer for strength to continue in the work: “Pray that God helps us because we are in the battleground; you are in another. While you are there praying, we are working, doing God’s work.” Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Colombia and learn how to pray.
I was a highly motivated school-boy. I often finished my tests before the teacher had distributed them to the rest of the class.
I was in such a hurry that I seldom took the time to read the instructions – which is why I usually got a score of either 100% or 0%. You see sometimes I circled the right answers when I should have Xed out the wrong ones. Oh well!
Fortunately, when the Word of God is tested, it always passes with flying colors.
One promise is found in Matthew 6:33 which says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – KJV.
This calls us to make God’s Kingdom business our highest priority. Jesus promised that God will provide all the necessities of life previously mentioned in chapter 6 such as food, clothing, shelter – as we prioritize His Kingdom each day.
We might paraphrase it in this way, “When we take care of God’s business – He takes care of ours.” OK, but how does this fare when tested? May I offer an example?
There was a time when a financial tornado swept into my house.
My pre-teen daughter was told by the orthodontist that she needed braces. The cost was $3,000 and he wanted half of it up front to get started. That same day my accountant called and said, “You owe the IRS $3,000 dollars in taxes!”
And then I went to start my car and it didn’t work. I would have to hire a mechanic to fix it. And then my wife threw a load in the clothes dryer, but it didn’t spin. Alas more money for an appliance repair man.
We were shocked, astonished and stunned. All of this happened in one day. Of course, financial problems occur. It’s a given in life. But they don’t usually come in a 4-pack. Was our sovereign God trying to communicate with us?
We had always been responsible with our money. We tithed and on top of that we provided financial support to three different missionary families.
But the $600 in our checking account was not enough to cover the $6,000 we owed. Where would we get all that money?
THEN to top it all off we came to realize that we were three months behind in the financial support that we had pledged to the missionaries.
Well, I guess we weren’t doing such a great job of taking care of God’s business.
My wife and I spent time in prayer. We decided that the first priority was to take care of God’s business. We had to send the money to the missionaries that we had promised. They might be hungry!
We could file an extension on the taxes, postpone the braces, let the dead car sit, and use the laundromat for our clothes – but we had to take care of God’s business. We must get the money to our missionaries. So, we did that, and it zeroed out our checking account.
BUT – the very next day the Orthodontist called and said, “Hey I understand you are a pastor. Well, we like to take care of our pastors so the braces will cost $1,500 instead of $3,000 and no downpayment is necessary.
Soon after the accountant called and said, “I worked through your taxes again, and found a way to reduce them. Instead of $3,000 you owe $300 dollars this year.
And then I popped the hood on my car. I found the problem and it was a cheap fix that even I could do. I was on a roll, so I tackled the dryer. Once again, I fixed it at very little cost. By the end of the week, we had a surplus in the bank.
When we take care of God’s business, He takes care of ours. It’s true. Even when tested, it stands. It gives me the confidence I need to rely on His Word in all things.
A PRAYER: Lord, help us to trust every detail of Your Word.
This had been Jim Johnson and
May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
Question: Just how far is the east from the west?
See Answers:
your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may
be proved genuine and may result in praise,
glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Text will be transformed into Gregg shorthand record, e.g.:
Marriage is like water, you have to drink it.into
These have come so that your faith (of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire) may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Question: What does the Bible say about laziness?
See Answer:
See Answer:
What is the difference between fornication and adultery?
Question: What kind of records does God keep? (Psalms 56:8)
See Answer:
Question: What does 'blessed are the peacemakers' mean?
See Answer:
Question: Why did the psalmist yearn so intensely for the Lord? (130:5–6)
See Answer:
Question: What does it mean to have a spirit of fear?
See Answer:
7/12/2024 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) — In February, Islamic extremists abducted two Christian siblings in Nigeria. Although they released the young boy after two weeks, his teenage sister remains in captivity.
The two extremists abducted 7-year-old Isaac and 15-year-old Adanna from their grandmother’s home, where they lived.
According to Adanna’s attorney, Abishag Sambo, the extremists threatened to hurt Adanna if she did not comply. One of her kidnappers told her he would burn her grandmother’s house down if she and her brother did not go with them.
The children’s grandmother realized what was happening but, after the kidnappers threatened her, was unable to save the children. Sambo explained that the men “warned [the grandmother] to be quiet, and they overpowered her and took [the children].”
Once the abductors had the children in their custody, they changed their names. Isaac became Rashid, and Adanna became Fatima.
A police report was filed, and after some negotiations, the boy was returned. His sister, however, was forced to marry a Muslim man and convert to Islam.
Sambo said Adanna was active in her church and loved singing in the choir before her abduction. Now, Sambo said she worries that Adanna is overwhelmed with fear.
“Being a minor, a young child … she will not be able to stand her ground because of the fear [and] threat to her life,” Sambo added.
Sambo explained that Muslim extremists employ abusive tactics when abducting children in Nigeria.
“They take people’s children, keep them for a week or so, they indoctrinate them, they brainwash them, they tell them … Quranic citations,” she said. “And sometimes they use threats, too. They threaten the child [saying] that … [if] you say that you want to go back to your parent[s], we will come back in the night and kill you and kill your parents.”
Forced abductions and attacks by Islamic militants have become increasingly common in Nigeria.
Adanna’s case is still unfolding, and despite many obstacles, Sambo continues to fight for her release. She perseveres, hoping that the teenage girl will be released one day soon.
*The children’s names have been changed for their protection
To read more news stories, visit the ICC Newsroom. For interviews, please email
Joe and Bonnie ValentinJoe and Bonnie Valentin
...Brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free
course, and be glorified… 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Rhema (pseudonym) Bible at the printer
Muslim Tat Gospel of Mark printed
Krupto (pseudonym) trial edition at the printer
Mbum-Nzakambay primer at the printer
Visa granted for the October Harvest Dinner speaker
Church updates in MI
Sent out by Berea Baptist Church, Palm Harbor, FL. Contact us at:, 727-385-7531, or 609 36th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49548
J UL Y 20 2 4
Eurasia Trip, Part 1
This trip was a blessing in so many ways, but one of the
biggest was that Bonnie was able to go along this time,
courtesy of a love gift from one of our individual partners.
We were greeted at the airport by one of the translation
center staff, who took us to our lodgings at the center that
evening. The next morning, we met with the majority of
the Muslim Tat translation team and their two exegetes.
They have been working diligently, and were preparing
to print their first trial edition, the Gospel of Mark. People
often ask, “Why do you do Mark first?” Because of the
simple construction and the straight narrative of Mark’s
gospel, it is a good “beginners’ book” for new translators.
That doesn’t always mean it’s the first book to be printed,
but it often is. The Muslim Tat will print theirs in both
Roman and Cyrillic scripts to cover all generations of
readers. Earlier in our trip planning, we had toyed with
the idea of doing further Muslim Tat research in Russia
on this trip. Due to the decaying relations between the
USA and Russia, two of the Muslim Tat translation team
volunteered to go instead, as they would be “mostly”
above suspicion. Even though the weather was less than
cooperative (this was back in early 2024), they gathered
good information. Ironically, this came about largely due
to a couple of vodka-swilling Muslim Tat they met in a
restaurant. There were villages they couldn’t reach due to
the weather, but they visited with a house church pastor
and toured a synagogue. (Recently, this same synagogue
was burned by Muslim extremists, so we thank God for
His hand of protection on our dear friends.) We stayed at
the translation center for two days and then began an
extensive road trip. Riding with a pastor and one of the
translation center staff, we drove through the mountains
and came to an historic Muslim Tat village (above left)
where there is no gospel presence, although many have
tried. We met with a Muslim Tat pastor in another city
(above center left) and an evangelist in another village.
Both men have a heart for getting God’s Word into the
Muslim Tat language. Upon returning to the translation
center, we met with the remainder of the Muslim Tat
team, and had the opportunity to present them with a
new, larger monitor to use for their Zoom workshops
(above center right). They are such a sweet and gentle
group, and love doing “God’s work.”
Summer Guests
Last month, we had the privilege of hosting two of BI’s
final five summer interns, Abby and Anna (above right).
They came for several days before their trip to Benin and
Chad. They will return to our home on July 20 with many
stories to share, no doubt! We are praying that God will
lead some from this group to join BI in the future.
About that One-Armed Paperhanger...
June started with a bang, sending our interns off to Africa
and then heading to Rockford, IL to update our ministry
partners at First Baptist the next day. Then, we visited
with Joe’s freshman year roomie (whom he hadn’t seen
for 37 years!) and retrieved Joe’s dad from his brother’s.
A day later, his dad’s radiation treatments began. Two
days later, Joe’s mom came up from FL to spend time with
us. On June 28, many of us at BI attended the homegoing
services for Maxine Carlson, wife of BI’s first Director
Fred, who is greatly missed. The rest of the month was
filled with meetings and landscaping prep work at the
office. Our full schedule continues this month, spending
most of the first week in upstate NY with Bonnie’s family
followed by an encouraging meeting at Union Baptist
(Kittanning, PA) and with friends before coming home to
prepare for the rest of summer’s events.