Building owners in Nepal are often unwilling to rent space to Christians.
Building owners in Nepal are often unwilling to rent space to Christians.
May. 30, 2024 | Nepal

Church Landlord Evicts Christians

[82] prayers in [6] nations have been posted for Pastor Mukhiya.

For 15 years, Pastor Mahesh Mukhiya has led a congregation of 70 Christians for worship and fellowship in a rented house in their village. In September 2023, Hindu extremists threatened the owner of the rented house, demanding he cancel the rental agreement. After a second threat, the landlord agreed to evict the congregation. Pastor Mahesh searched for a new building in which the Christians could meet, but the extremists had issued warnings throughout the village. For now, the church is considering options such as splitting into smaller groups or renovating and reinforcing the pastor’s house so that the church can meet on the roof.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.