Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pastor Perseveres After 44 Days in Jail

 Jun. 06, 2024 | India
Pastor Perseveres After 44 Days in Jail

Akhilesh led his family to faith in Christ after being physically healed through prayer. As others joined in their family worship and placed their faith in Christ, a church grew. Eventually, 2,000 people were meeting for worship during the week. A radical Hindu leader warned Akhilesh that he would face serious consequences if he did not close down the church, but they continued to meet. Then, in September 2022, police arrested Pastor Akhilesh for his gospel work and confiscated the family’s Bibles. During the pastor’s 44 days in jail, he led 11 people to follow Jesus Christ. After his release on bail, Pastor Akhilesh continued to meet with many of his congregants in small groups for prayer and teaching. “I will still continue serving the Lord … I am unstoppable,” Akhilesh said. “Jesus helped me realize his grace is enough for me. I, with my family, have learned to totally depend on him.” His criminal case is still under appeal.

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Police took family Bibles as "evidence" when they arrested Akhilesh.
Police took family Bibles as "evidence" when they arrested Akhilesh.
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