Monday, April 22, 2024

Pray Now for Encompass World Partners


  These prayer requests are safe to share online. Please help us distribute this edition by using these links.
Encompass Board Meetings
Encompass’s board of directors is composed of a diverse group of lay people and ministry leaders who strongly believe in God’s Great Commission. They meet twice per year to work through big-picture topics that guide our organization. They will be together again in Atlanta at the end of April. Pray for God’s Spirit to lead their gathering so that Encompass can be even more fruitful in reaching the least-reached!
Gospel "Comes Alive" to Leaders in Chad
Last month, Bruce got back from a 25-day trip to Chad, and reports, “It may well have been the most effective yet.” On this trip, Bruce and his team were able to teach about 180 leaders foundational biblical principles. The participants had heard the gospel before, but Bruce says, “Some people were understanding the depth of the gospel for the first time. For some reason, the light of the gospel came alive to them.” Praise God for working through Bruce and his team!
Third Culture Kids
When children leave their home countries to live in other cultures, they adopt parts of both cultures, and sometimes end up feeling like outsiders to both. This is why they’re called Third Culture Kids (TCKs). As someone who has been working with TCKs for years, Christy says, “When they move overseas, there’s so much they have to say goodbye to. And if we’re not acting in preventative ways, those griefs can start to pile up.” Learn more by checking out the article, Third Culture Kids: The Challenges of Growing Up in Another Culture.

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