Friday, April 19, 2024

Apr. 18, 2024 | Laos Tribal Christians Imprisoned for Building Church

 Apr. 18, 2024 | Laos
Tribal Christians Imprisoned for Building Church

Late in 2023, police in Laos arrested three Christians from the Akha people group for building a church and held them without giving any information to family or friends for several months. On January 26, 2024, authorities demolished the building these brothers in Christ had constructed. Pray for (1) the safety and well-being of these men and their families, (2) the strengthening of this congregation and (3) the spread of the gospel among the Akha and other tribal groups in Laos.


Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Laos and learn how to pray.

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Laotian authorities arrested these men for building a church.

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