Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Gates of Jerusalem, or, WALL TO WALL WORKERS

The Gates of Jerusalem, or, WALL TO WALL WORKERS

319 The Gates of Jerusalem   Neh.3
Gates—the place of Coming and going—for Travellers. Of Buying and selling—for Merchants. Of Pleading and judging—for Judges and elders. Of Reading the law—for Preachers.
  1 The Sheep Gate—no the North wall—Sacrifice  Neh.3:1; John 1:29; 5:2 Warren Wiersbe  q.v.
(Sheep led in to be offered on the altar)
  2 The Fish Gate—on the North side—Evangelistic service  Neh.3:3; Mark 1:17
(Fishermen went in and out with their catch)
  3 The Old Gate—Probably the Damascus Gate—Age-long Truths  Neh.3:6; Jeremiah.6:16 Warren Wiersbe
  4 The Valley Gate—on the West—Humility  Neh.3:13; Phil.2:5 (Philippians 2:1-11, Warren Wiersbe)
  5 The Dung Gate—on the Western wall-Persecution  Neh.3:14; 1 Cor.4:13
(Filth was carried through this to the Valley of Hinnom)
  6 The Gate of the FountainThe Fountain Gate--on the South-East—The Spirit’s Fulness  Neh.3:15; John 7:37-39 Warren Wiersbe put Eph.5:26,27 with the Fountain Gate instead of with The Water Gate
(Near the Pool of Siloam from which water was drawn for the temple)
  7 The Water Gate—on the Eastern wall—Cleansing by the Word.  Neh.3:26; 8:1; Eph.5:26,27
    (Where the people heard God’s Word)
  8 The Horse Gate—overlooking the Kedron Valley—Warfare   Neh.3:28; 1 Tim.6:12; Job 39:19,25
(Through which horses passed on the way to battle)
  9 The East Gate—East of the Temple—Hope of Christ’s Coming  Neh.3:29; Rev.22:16
  10 The Gate Miphkad—Appointment or Review—Judgment Seat of Christ  Neh.3:31; 2 Corinthians 5:10 Warren Wiersbe adds 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, and Romans 14:10-12
     The Gate Hammiphkad (Nehemiah 3:31) The Hebrew word has a military connotation and refers to the mustering of the troops for numbering and inspection.  The NIV and NASB both render it “the Inspection Gate.” This is where the army was reviewed and registered. When Jesus comes again, He’ll gather His own and review their works to ready us to receive rewards from Him for faithful service to Him (1 Cor. 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:9-10; Rom. 14:10-12).

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