Sunday, February 9, 2025

What does it mean "the dead in Christ shall rise first" if to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord?



Question: What does it mean "the dead in Christ shall rise first" if to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord?

See Answer:

964 ‘Togethers’ in Ephesians

  1 Quickened together with Christ  Eph.2:5

  2 Raised up together (in Christ)  Eph.2:6

  3 Seated together in the heaven-lies  Eph.2:6

  4 Framed together—an holy temple in the Lord  Eph.2:21

  5 Builded together for an habitation of God   Eph.2:22

  6 Joined together—the whole Body  Eph.4:16

  7 Gathered together—all things in Christ   Eph.1:10

II. WHAT GOD DID (2:4-6) 

A. He loved us (2:4). 

B. He liberated us (2:5). 

C. He lifted us (2:6). -- Harold Wilmington

I. WHAT WE ONCE WERE (2:1-3, 11-12)

A. Dead in sin (2:1)

B. Influenced by Satan (2:2)

C. Controlled by lust (2:3a)

D. Under God's wrath (2:3b)

E. Pagans without God (2:11)

F. Separated from Christ (2:12a)

G. Without hope in this present world (2:12b)

II. WHAT GOD DID (2:4-6)

A. He loved us (2:4).

B. He liberated us (2:5).

C. He lifted us (2:6).


III. WHY GOD DID IT (2:7): He did it so that he might display us as trophies of his grace.

IV. HOW GOD DID IT (2:8-9,13)

A. Through his special favor (2:8a)

B. Through faith (2:8b-9)

C. Through blood (2:13)

V. WHAT WE ARE NOW (2:10,14-22)

A. We are the products of grace (2:10).

1. The task (2:10a): We have been created in Christ to do good works!

2. The time (2:10b): This was planned before the foundation of the world.

B. We are the partners of Israel (2:14-18).

1. The reconciler (2:14): Christ has destroyed the barrier separating Jews from Gentiles.

2. The results (2:15-18): He has joined into one body, a new person, both Jews and Gentiles.

C. We are the people of God (2:19).

D. We are the pillars of the temple (2:20-22).

1. The foundation (2:20a): It is the apostles and prophets.

2. The cornerstone (2:20b-22): It is Jesus Christ himself. -- Wilmington

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