Saturday, May 11, 2024

1 of 585 Thank you for praying for Lamplighter Ministries


Tip Lewis And His Lamp

Dear partners in prayer,

Thank you so much for your prayers! So much can happen in such a short amount of time. Just over a week ago, our team was performing in Sicily, and now we're back in New York preparing to record the next Lamplighter Theatre drama!

Please keep the Lamplighter Theatre team, the actors, directors, and engineer in your prayers as recording begins on Monday. Pray that the recording equipment will work well for the duration of the recording. Please pray for travel safety, health, and great unity as everyone comes together to bring Tip Lewis and His Lamp to life.

This story is truly life-changing and has been a top-selling book since we first printed it this past November. We have no doubt that this story can be and will be used in a mighty way to lead people to Christ and help disciple believers.

Also keep our bindery team and equipment in prayer as they are kept very busy in order to continue to make books like this available. We are working on updating our equipment and are getting closer to being able to make some updates to our bindery.

Thank you again for your ever faithful prayer support!

In His service,

Sarah Prenevost
Office Administrator

Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
I Thessalonians 5:24
As a partner in this ministry, you are helping to fulfill the mission of making ready a people prepared for the Lord, by building Christlike character…one story at a time. 


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