Friday, March 1, 2024

Pray for Eric & Miriam Hesse in Germany

Pray With Us

  • We are still waiting on our visa renewal. Pray we receive this soon. Will you please make this matter a special prayer concern?

  • For Klaus, for people in our neighborhood to meet Jesus.

  • Pray for the new 3rd Gen believer named Stephan.

  • Pray for a documentary film project we have planned for March 2024. Pray for a successful and safe week of filming and that the final product would inspire other Germans to obey Christ. 

  • Pray for better sleep for me (Eric).

  • For Miriam as she serves as spiritual director.

  • Please pray for Ch* and Suz*, for the strengthening of their marriage. Pray for me (Eric) as I weekly mentor Ch* and study the Bible with him. Pray every person in their extended families meets Jesus.

  • Praise God with us that Ethan found housing in D.C. and that both Ethan and Micah are doing so well.

  • Pray for the grace, strength, and discipline to attend to all that is asked of me right now (leading a team, PhD studies, family, ministry in the city).

  • Pray for financial provisions to continue serving here uninterrupted.

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