Monday, February 12, 2024

Why was Moses the greatest prophet ever? (Deuteronomy 34:10)


Question: Why was Moses the greatest prophet ever?  (Deuteronomy 34:10)

See Answers:

"In many respects, Moses comes across as a very
Christlike person. Like Jesus, he was born into a godly
home at a difficult time in Jewish history, and like
Jesus, his life was threatened. When Moses gave up the
treasures of Egypt, it was like Jesus, who became poor
that He might share spiritual riches with many (2 Cor.
8:9). Like Jesus, Moses was rejected by his people when
he tried to help them the first time (Ex. 2:11–15), but
he was accepted by them when he came to them the
second time ([Ex] 4:29–31; Acts 7:23–36). Israel rejected
Christ at His first coming, but they will receive Him
when He comes again (Zech. 12:10–13:1)." --Warren Wiersbe

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