What does it mean to be immoral? (Proverbs 7:5)
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In this chapter, the woman described is sexually immoral. She is trying to have an affair on her husband, who is away on a trip. Here's how you identify her: Proverbs 7:10 -- She is dressed seductively and has a sly nature Proverbs 7:11 -- She is brash and rebellious, never content to stay at home to take care of her responsibilities Proverbs 7:12 -- She is on the corners of streets, asking men to lay with her Proverbs 7:15 -- She will say that you are special, that you are the one she was looking for all along Proverbs 7:16 -- Her bed will have beautiful blankets, with colorful Egyptian linen Proverbs 7:21 -- She will flatter and compliment you in order to lure you into her bed This chapter concludes with a warning. It says that anyone going to see her is like an ox being led to slaughter. (Proverbs 7:22) It is like a deer caught in a trap, about to be killed. (Proverbs 7:23) Do not fall into her wicked schemes...she will ruin you. (Proverbs 7:26) Her house will lead you to the grave and her bed will lead you to death. (Proverbs 7:27)
Sexual Sin Is Ultimately Deadly (Proverbs 7:1-27) The IMMORAL man tempts himself (Proverbs 7:6-9). The IMMORAL man is tempted by the IMMORAL woman (Proverbs 7:10-20). The IMMORAL man tempts the Lord (Proverbs 7:21-27). Warren Wiersbe says of Proverbs 7:22, "Ox is a symbol of Ignorance." The youth made a sudden decision to follow the woman, and when he did, he began to act like an animal. No longer was he a young man, made in God's image, but an ox going to the slaughter...Humans are God's only creatures who elect what kind of creatures they want to be. God, of course, wants us to be sheep (Ps 23:1; John 10; 1 Pe 2:25), but there other choices such as horses (Ps 32:9), or hogs and dogs (2 Pe 2:22). When we're outside God's will, we usurp our privileges as humans made in God's image.
Jack Gutknecht writes:
This was my first sermon in Spanish, "The Foreign Woman." (Proverbs 5-7). Like the deadly spider in the web, the woman was watching at the window, ready to pounce on her prey. Like Alex already said, she was a man's wife, but when her husband was out of town, she dressed like a prostitute so she could attract the men who were searching for her services (Ge 38:14-15; Eze 16:16). Compare Prov 7:10. Proverbs 7:11-12 She'd been in the streets, looking for victims Proverbs 7:19-20 She assures him that nobody will find out about it (except that someone's watching (Prov 7:6) and that her husband won't be home for many days. They have plenty of time to enjoy themselves. --WW Wiersbe
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