Monday, May 8, 2017

Is it Ok to get drunk once in a while?

   (A letter from a fellow pastor)

 "Pastor Jack,

     You cannot make an argument for abstaining from all forms of alcohol from the Scriptures.  As you mentioned Jesus drank wine with the 12.  And Paul tells Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach's sake, knowing its medicinal value.
      Where Scripture does draw the line is in abusing the use of wine.  Drunkenness is often spoken against in the Scriptures...
Therefore, Scripture does not condemn a glass of wine with a meal, but even this we should abstain from if it would offend a brother (or sister) in Christ.
     I choose to abstain for the sake of a weaker brother, but let each man seek God's will for his own life in the matter.  The only clear command is to never get drunk on wine, but rather be filled with the Spirit of God.

                                             Pastor Chuck

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