Question: What does the Bible say about transformation?
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What does the Bible say about transformation? The motor home has allowed us to put all the conveniences of home on wheels. A camper no longer needs to contend with sleeping in a sleeping bag, cooking over a fire, or hauling water from a stream. Now he can park a fully equipped home on a cement slab in the midst of a few pine trees and hook up to a water line, a sewer line, and electricity. One motor home I saw recently had a satellite dish attached on top. No more bother with dirt, no more smoke from the fire, no more drudgery of walking to the stream. Now it is possible to go camping and never have to go outside. We buy a motor home with the hope of seeing new places, of getting out into the world. Yet we deck it out with the same furnishings as in our living room. Thus nothing really changes. We may drive to a new place, set ourselves in a new surrounding, but the newness goes unnoticed, for we’ve only carried along our old setting. The adventure of new life in Christ begins when the comfortable patterns of the old life are left behind. David Roher Being transformed is mentioned thrice in the Bible: TRANSFORM - trans-form' (Rom 12:2; the Revised Version (British and American) 2 Cor 3:18 for metamorphoomai {from which we get our English word, "metamorphosis"}, and the King James Version 2 Cor 11:13, 14, 15 for metaschematizo, the Revised Version (British and American) "fashion"): The commentaries often explain the former word as connoting a change of nature, while the latter refers only to the appearance, but this distinction is probably fanciful. Instead of being empowered by the Spirit, these ministers Paul spoke about in 2 Cor 11:13-15 are energized by Satan. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Three times, Paul used the word transform in referring to their work (see 2 Cor 11:13–15). This Greek word simply means “to disguise, to masquerade.” There is a change on the outside, but there is no change on the inside. Satan’s workers, like Satan himself, never appear in their true character; they always wear a disguise and hide behind a mask.;_ylt=AwrJ4NbXrR5dsJEAhS82nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsZ29xY3ZzBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEc2xrA2J1dHRvbg--;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTcwMgRfcgMyBGFjdG4DY2xrBGNzcmNwdmlkA0wwckFkakV3TGpMak9CRDVXZUxxcndFWE1UQTRMZ0FBQUFCZ0hzLlQEZnIDeWhzdC1nb29kc2VhcmNoLWdvb2RzZWFyY2hfeWhzBGZyMgNzYS1ncARncHJpZANLWHFLVkVwUlNNU2tzRU1XU1FHQTdBBG5fc3VnZwMyBG9yaWdpbgNpbWFnZXMuc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMyOARxdWVyeQMyJTIwQ29yaW50aGlhbnMlMjAxMSUzQTEzLTE1BHRfc3RtcAMxNTYyMjkxNjg2?p=2+Corinthians+11%3A13-15&fr=yhst-goodsearch-goodsearch_yhs&¶m2=65f1d7afa4081f9c6dfb40fb64cd27a2&gdpr=0#id=20&